Sacred Grief Alchemy

Introducing Sacred Grief Alchemy,

founded by Renee Jeffus, a Sacred Grief Guide, Transformational Life Coach and a devoted mother who personally knows the excruciating pain and grief of losing a child. 3 years ago her beloved 18 year old son Bodhi tragically died and her life as she knew it shattered. Out of this profoundly painful yet transformative personal journey and rebirth , Renee created this video series to provide a platform that offers loving support, gentle guidance, and helpful practices to mothers navigating the challenging path of child loss. Scroll down to learn more about how this course can support you on your intimate walk with grief.

Understanding grief in a more dynamic light is key.

It's important to acknowledge its impacts on all aspects of our being - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Grief is a multi-dimensional and unavoidable life experience that requires a compassionate, patient and holistic approach. It is not a linear, tidy process to be rushed or judged. Instead, it is a messy, deeply personal journey that, when understood and accepted as natural and the human cost to a life of love, can lead to profound awakening and healing. Learn to navigate grief as a sacred path. Embrace loss as a profound catalyst for authentic living and spiritual growth. Learn the language of grief, honor it, and allow it to guide you toward deeper connection, self-awareness, spiritual understanding, and personal transformation.

Having a supportive community is crucial...

to navigate this painful and often isolating terrain. Surround yourself with understanding hearts who can relate to your journey of loss and grief. Find comfort and solace in a community that sees you, hears you and holds space for the vastness of you and your feelings. This community becomes a bastion of comfort, validation, and connection as you navigate your grief journey.

“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain.”

~Kahil Gibran

"To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go."

~Mary Oliver

Heal and grow through a holistic approach to grief.

Discover the power of incorporating meditation, somatic movement and dance, yoga, breathwork and nature-based activities into your grief journey. These practices can deeply nourish your body, quiet your mind, soothe your nervous system and emotions, and nurture your spirit, offering a whole-person approach to healing and making peace with not only your grief, but also the reality of your life as it is now.

Your healing will not be linear, and it isn't meant to be.

Moving forward and opening to the possibility of joy again while honoring your loss is not about forgetting your precious child. It signifies a deepening ability to hold and honor your pain while you begin to embrace the richness and beauty of life more fully again. It is possible to move from debilitating despair to a foundation of strength, renewed creative energy and love in action. By honoring your loss and allowing the love for your child to fuel your growth, you can find a new purpose in life filled with deeper meaning, raw authenticity and greater presence and joy.

How It Works

''Renee is a Master Guide through the deepest and scariest territories within the human soul.

Through her own heart wrenching life experiences, Renee has alchemized wounding into a potent field of profoundly tender care and deeply authentic compassion for others.

I came to Renee with serious trust issues and have found such peace and safety within her sacred circles allowing me to open into my most vulnerable spaces. Her work is truly liberating!

I always feel deeply seen and profoundly respected for exactly where I am on my path when in her presence. She continues to be a guide and a gift beyond measure on my healing journey! '

~ Paige Robinson

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Feel free to reach out and keep Renee updated on your journey.

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